
Please see my CV for a complete and up-to-date list of my publications.

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Journal articles, refereed

  1. Meskar, M., Krueger, R., Rodrigues, F., Aslani, S., Modarres, M. (2025): Combining choice and response time data to analyze the ride-acceptance behavior of ride-sourcing drivers. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 171, 104977.
  2. Cortes Balcells, C., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M. (2024): Multi-objective Optimization of Activity-Travel Policies for Epidemic Control: Balancing Health and Economic Outcomes on Socio-Economic Segments. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 27, 101183.
  3. Oyama, Y., Murakami, D., Krueger, R. (2024): A hierarchical Bayesian logit model for spatial multivariate choice data. Journal of Choice Modelling, 52, 100503.
  4. Tabasi, M., Raei, A., Hillel, T., Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H. (2023): Empowering revealed preference survey with a supplementary stated preference survey: demonstration of willingness-to-pay estimation within a mode choice case. Travel Behaviour and Society, 33, 100632.
  5. Arkoudi,I., Krueger, R., Azevedo, C. L., Pereira, F. C. (2023): Combining discrete choice models and neural networks through embeddings: Formulation, interpretability and performance. Transportation Research Part B: Methodology, 175, 102783.
  6. Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Gasos, T., Bansal, P. (2023): A Data Fusion Approach for Ride-sourcing Demand Estimation: A Discrete Choice Model with Sampling and Endogeneity Corrections. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 152, 104180.
  7. Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Gasos, T., Bansal, P. (2023): Robust discrete choice models with t-distributed kernel errors. Statistics and Computing, 33 (2).
  8. Manser, P., Haering, T., Hillel, T., Pougala, J., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M. (2022): Estimating flexibility preferences to resolve temporal scheduling conflicts in activity-based modelling. Transportation.
  9. Krueger, R., Daziano, R. A. (2022): Stated choice analysis of preferences for COVID-19 vaccines using the Choquet integral. Journal of Choice Modelling, 45, 100385.
  10. Bansal, P., Kessels, R., Krueger, R., Graham, D. J. (2022): Preferences for using the London Underground during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 160, 45-60.
  11. Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R. A., Rashidi, T. H., Bansal, P. (2021): Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter- and intra-individual heterogeneity. Journal of Choice Modelling, 41, 100323.
  12. Bansal, P., Dua, R., Krueger, R., Graham, D. J. (2021): Fuel economy valuation and preferences of Indian two-wheeler buyers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 294, 126328.
  13. Bansal, P.*, Krueger, R.*, Graham, D. J. (2021): Fast Bayesian Estimation of Spatial Count Data Models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 157, 107152.
  14. Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H., Vij, A. (2020): X vs. Y: an analysis of intergenerational differences in transport mode use among young adults. Transportation, 47, 2203–2231.
  15. Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H., Vij, A. (2020): A Dirichlet process mixture model of discrete choice: Comparisons and a case study on preferences for shared automated vehicles. Journal of Choice Modelling, 36, 100229.
  16. Krueger, R.*, Bansal, P.* , Buddhavarapu, P. (2020): A New Spatial Count Data Model with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Accident Hot Spot Identification. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105623.
  17. Bansal, P.*, Krueger, R.*, Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R. A., Rashidi, T. H. (2020): Bayesian Estimation of Mixed Multinomial Logit Models: Advances and Simulation-Based Evaluations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 131, 124-142.
  18. Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H., Dixit, V. V. (2019): Autonomous Driving and Residential Location Preferences: Evidence from a Stated Choice Survey. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 255- 268.
  19. Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H., Auld, J. (2019): Preferences for travel-based multitasking: Evidence from a survey among public transit users in the Chicago metropolitan area. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 65, 334-343.
  20. Krueger, R., Vij, A., Rashidi, T. H. (2018): Normative beliefs and modality styles: a latent class and latent variable model of travel behaviour. Transportation, 45, 789-825.
  21. Vij, A., Krueger, R. (2017): Random taste heterogeneity in discrete choice models: Flexible nonparametric finite mixture distributions. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 106, 76-101.
  22. Krueger, R., Rashidi, T. H., Rose, J. M. (2016): Preferences for shared autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 69, 343-355.

* joint first authorship.